Kintsugi technique

(Golden joining)

Submitted by:
Nadeem Ashraf Janjua
1.    Describe the scope of the philosophy that “Kintsugi turns a problem into a plus”
Kin: Golden
Tsugi: joining
“People sometimes crack like a favorite cup or plate”
Kintsugi Japanees art to repair broken pots with golden joining to fill the gaps and beautify them. Similarly, we should learn to overpower our weakness into strengths because in that way our life will be simple, easy, and acceptable in spite of all odds.
For example, if our students have some gaps in comprehension of any topic, we can fill all these gaps of understanding by summarization and revision of the gist (Summary of the text).
2.    List down what ingredients do you use to fill the gaps in your, personal and professional, life and how do you repair the broken dreams
a.     Kintsugi (ingredients and method) – Personal
o The 3 ingredients are:
1)    Restorative practice
Strength and nourishment of friend and family
Deepening our relationship can help us be kind to ourselves. When we know that we have a good support system, we tend to take care of ourselves a little more.

2)    Admire Imperfection
 Kintsugi teach us how to embrace the good and bad parts of ourselves and the asymmetry of life. Embracing the imperfect means that we celebrate our strength.

3)    Creative intimacy and trust in relationship and foster forgiveness
 “Exposing vulnerabilities by admitting error creates intimacy and trust in relationships and foster forgiveness.
b.    Kintsugi (ingredients and method) – Professional
Professional gaps
Professional gaps can be removed by becoming a man of action not a man of contemplation (thoughts). Professionally I can remove my weakness by focusing on my goals. Whether it is handwriting of students, discipline, result, behavior, grooming or anything else.
1)    Live with resilience
Academic resilience
Resilience is the ability to endure, be patient and remain calm. Instead of focusing on negative circumstance. I can take  challenging students as a opportunity to practice new strategies of struggling students.
2)    Cultivate sincere gratitude
A strength base Gratitude cultivate sincere most important concept of   kintsugi is act of expressing gratitude for the good and bad.
Practicing gratitude is living in present moment and not wishing for things you don’t have its mean see positive instead of negative and gratitude is about good not so good.
3)    Resourcefulness
The ordinary in extra ordinary
Its absurd to be embarrassed about misteps and failure in our lives because they happen to everyone and no experience is wasted. Everything you do good, bad and ugly can serve as lesson even if it’s one you would never want to repeat again. Indeed, error can be the most important and effective experiences of all.

Kintsugi technique describes to beautify the scars by gold joining.
 May Allah help me changing the scars in to marks.