computer accessory

Q1:What is computer accessory?
Ans:A computer accessory is a piece of hardware that can be installed with a computer to make it more useful.
Q2:Name different kinds of keyboard?
Ans:Alphabet keys
Numeric keys
Function keys
Arrow keys
Special keys
Q3:What is joystick?
Ans:A joystick is an input device which consist of vertical handle which which can move in two directions. It is used to play games.
Q4:What is webcam?
Ans:Webcam is also is known is webcamera.It is used to transfer image to the computer.
Q5:What is compact disc(CD)?
Ans:Compact disc or CD is an optical disc which is used to store data.Capacity of CD is measured in megabytes( MB)
Q6:What is digital video disc(DVD)?
Ans:Digital video disc is also called DVD.They can store data.Storage capacity od DVD’s is measured in Gigabytes(GB).
Q7:What is USB flash drive or pen drive?
Ans:USB stands for universal serial bus.It is portable storage device .USB flash drive is also called pen drive.
Q8:What are monochrome monitors?
Ans:Monochrome monitors display result in one colouronly.They are called black and white monitors
Q9:What are colour monitors?
Ans:Thecolour monitors display results in many colours.
Q10:What are LCD monitors?
Ans:LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) monitor is modern form of colourmonitor.LCD is thinner and occupies lesser space.
Q11:What is speaker?
Ans:A speaker is output device.It help us to listen music and watch movies .

Biodraphy Of Doctor Maria

Kintsugi technique

(Golden joining)

Submitted by:
Nadeem Ashraf Janjua
1.    Describe the scope of the philosophy that “Kintsugi turns a problem into a plus”
Kin: Golden
Tsugi: joining
“People sometimes crack like a favorite cup or plate”
Kintsugi Japanees art to repair broken pots with golden joining to fill the gaps and beautify them. Similarly, we should learn to overpower our weakness into strengths because in that way our life will be simple, easy, and acceptable in spite of all odds.
For example, if our students have some gaps in comprehension of any topic, we can fill all these gaps of understanding by summarization and revision of the gist (Summary of the text).
2.    List down what ingredients do you use to fill the gaps in your, personal and professional, life and how do you repair the broken dreams
a.     Kintsugi (ingredients and method) – Personal
o The 3 ingredients are:
1)    Restorative practice
Strength and nourishment of friend and family
Deepening our relationship can help us be kind to ourselves. When we know that we have a good support system, we tend to take care of ourselves a little more.

2)    Admire Imperfection
 Kintsugi teach us how to embrace the good and bad parts of ourselves and the asymmetry of life. Embracing the imperfect means that we celebrate our strength.

3)    Creative intimacy and trust in relationship and foster forgiveness
 “Exposing vulnerabilities by admitting error creates intimacy and trust in relationships and foster forgiveness.
b.    Kintsugi (ingredients and method) – Professional
Professional gaps
Professional gaps can be removed by becoming a man of action not a man of contemplation (thoughts). Professionally I can remove my weakness by focusing on my goals. Whether it is handwriting of students, discipline, result, behavior, grooming or anything else.
1)    Live with resilience
Academic resilience
Resilience is the ability to endure, be patient and remain calm. Instead of focusing on negative circumstance. I can take  challenging students as a opportunity to practice new strategies of struggling students.
2)    Cultivate sincere gratitude
A strength base Gratitude cultivate sincere most important concept of   kintsugi is act of expressing gratitude for the good and bad.
Practicing gratitude is living in present moment and not wishing for things you don’t have its mean see positive instead of negative and gratitude is about good not so good.
3)    Resourcefulness
The ordinary in extra ordinary
Its absurd to be embarrassed about misteps and failure in our lives because they happen to everyone and no experience is wasted. Everything you do good, bad and ugly can serve as lesson even if it’s one you would never want to repeat again. Indeed, error can be the most important and effective experiences of all.

Kintsugi technique describes to beautify the scars by gold joining.
 May Allah help me changing the scars in to marks.

General Knowledge Science Test Prepration

General Knowledge Science
By:  Nadeem Ashraf Janjua
o   Major parts of Human Body and Function
For hearing
For Biting
For Smell
For See/Watching
For Walking
For writing and daily work

o   Milk Teeth
o   Permanent Teeth
o   Senses
ü Hearing
ü Taste
ü Smell
ü Vision
ü Touch
o   Joints
Elbow Joint, Neck Joint, Knee Joint
o   Skeleton
ü It consist of 2016 bones
ü It provide support to human body and protect our inner organs.
o   Keeping Healthy
ü Eat Healthy Food
ü Get Regular Exercise
ü Get Enough Sleep
ü Early to sleep and early to awake
Living and Non Living
o   Water
A colorless, tasteless liquid, main component of Earth and life and all of living organisms
o   Fire
The hot, bright flames produced by things that are burning
o   Environment
Any thing that is around us called on environment
o   Environment Pollution
Presence of harmful pollutants in an environment that makes this environment unhealthy to live in
o   Air Pollution
It is a mixture of solid particles and gases in the air
o   Water Pollution
It is the contamination of water bodies usually as a result of human objectives
Plants and Animals
o   Trees
Neem Tree, Amla Tree, Peepal Tree, Tulse Tree
o   Shurbs
Small woody plants. Example Aloe Vera
o   Herbs
Leafy green or flowering plants. Example Parsley, Mint, Basil
o   Land Animal
Which live entirely on land. Examples Cats, Spider, Ants
o   Water Animals
Which live entirely in water. Example Fish, Octopuses, Lobster
o   Birds
Parrot, Owl, Pigeons, Dove
o   Domestic Animals
Horse, Cow, Sheep, Dog, Cat, Goat
o   Wild Animals
Bear, Wild Hogs, Deer
o   Animals and their young ones
o   Endangered Animals
Snow Leopard, Bald Eagle, Polar Bear, Red Panda
o   Endangered Plants
Wild Rise, Georgia Aster
o   Importance use of Animals
We get food, fiber, labor, medicines from animals. They are used for economic purpose.
o   Importance of Plants
They maintain atmosphere. They release oxygen, which animals, human need to breathe. They give us food to eat.
o   Importance of Forests
We got timber, food, fuel from them. They protect environment.

Quaid-E-Azam Muhammad ALI JINNAH

Quaid-E-Azam Muhammad ALI JINNAH
Image result for QUAID AZAM
Quaid e Azam is the greatest leader of our history. He won a separate state of Pakistan and printed his name forever in the pages of history. He was a sincere and devoted leader of the Muslims. He was an intelligent and lively thinker. He awakened the Muslims from their slumber. He told them that they were a separate nation from Hindus. They needed a separate state to live according to their religion and culture. He impressed upon the mind of the Muslims of India the necessity of a separate country. His real name was Muhammad Ali Jinnah. He was a businessman of Karachi. He was born on 25th Dec 1876 in Karachi. He was an intelligent, responsible and serious child. He received his early education in Karachi and Bombay. In his student life, he observed the rules of discipline, all this pointed to his future greatness. After completing his education at school, he proceeded to England for higher education He was admitted to the degree to bar at law. He returned to India in 1896. At that time his father's business was not running well. He left Karachi and came to Bombay to try his luck. At the same time, he began to take interest in politics. It was the time of freedom from the British. In the beginning, he joined the Indian National Congress but soon left it on seeing the evil design of the Hindus. He joined the Muslims League and became its leader.He collected the Muslims on one platform. He created in them spirit of unity. He fought against Hindus and the British. His battle was peaceful. His enemies tried to purchase him but he remained undaunted. He was a man of great determination. He worked very hard for the nation in spite of his falling health. The Hindus and the English were equally afraid of his political insight and sound character. He made numberless speeches in which he demanded a separate state for the Muslims.In 1940 the famous Pakistan Resolution was adopted. It was due to the sincere efforts of the Quaid-A-Azam that the British decided to leave India. He got Pakistan on the 14th of August1947.He came to Pakistan after its establishment. He was called the Father of the Nation. He became its first Governor General. Alas! He did not live long to steer the boat of weak and feeble nation. He died on 11 September, 1948. It was a sad date for all of us.

Computer Note

Computer Notes
Prepared by : Nadeem Ashraf Janjua

Why we use computer in Schools ?
Ø To prepare result.
Ø To make time table.
Ø To type letters.
Ø For learning and understanding.
Why computer is used in Banks?
To keep account of customer’s money to make entries is passbooks.
What is the use of computer in Offices?
Ø To type letters and reports.
Ø To prepare salary slips.
Why we use computer at Home?
Computer are used at home
Ø To draw picture
Ø To play games
Ø To listen music
What is the use of computer in Shops?

Ø To make bills
Ø To keep record of items
Ø To record the price of items
What is the use of computer in Hospital?
Computers are used in hospital to keep the record of patient to diagnose the disease.
Why computer used in Railway, Airport and Food Center?
Computer are used to
Ø Record of Tickets
Ø For Reservations
Ø For price Record

What are three essential parts of computer?
Ø Keyboard
Ø Monitor
What other devices makes a computer useful?
Ø Mouse
Ø Keyboard
Ø Printer
What is a Keyboard?
ü Keyboard is an input device
ü It looks like a typewriter
ü It has many keys to enter data into computer
What is CPU?
CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the brain of computer that performs all the calculation.
What is the brain of Computer?
Monitor is an output device that shows the result of work done by the computer .
What is (VDU)?
Monitor is also known as VDU. The full form of VDU is video Display Unit. 
What is Mouse?
Mouse is a input device. It is used to click and select the items. It has two button and a wheel. A mouse is kept on mouse pad.
What are the types of Mouse?
There are two types.
ü Mechanical Mouse (Has a track Ball)
ü Optical Mouse (Has laser beam)
What is a printer?
Printer is an output device it prints the result on paper.
What is a Floppy Disk?
Floppy is a storage device. A floppy has a square shape and 3.5 inches in size.
What is CD?
The full form of CD is Compact Disk.  It is a storage device.
What is Digital Video Disk?
Digital Video Disk is also known as DVD. It is a storage device.
What is USB?
USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. USB flash drive is portable device. It is fast and small in size, and store large data.
What is Pen Drive?
USB (Universal Serial Bus) is also known as Pen Drive.
What is the difference between CD and DVD?
ü It Stores small amount of Data
It Stores Large amount of Data
What is the difference between keyboard and mouse?
ü Keyboard is used enter text
    Mouse is used to Click and select           
What is the difference between Monitor and Printer?
ü Monitor shows result on screen
     Printer prints result on paper
What happens on the screen when you move mouse on Mouse Pad?
When we move mouse on mouse pad an arrow like pointer mouse on the screen.
What is the use of Storage devices? Give name of two devices.
Storage devices are used to store data. Some are CD, DVD, USB, Floppy.

How does a Computer Work
Name the three major tasks performed by the computer?
The three major tasks are
·        Input
·        Processing
·        Output
Name the two parts of computer which perform input function?
The three major tasks are
·        Keyboard
·        Mouse
Name the two parts of computer which perform output?
The three major tasks are
·        Monitor
·        Printer
What do you mean by processing?
The calculation work is called processing
For Example!
ü Adding two number is called processing  2+2=4
ü Making Juice is processing
What is input? Explain with example.
The data which you give to compute is called input. For Example
ü Enter two number 7,7
ü Put the Orange in Juice
What is Output? Explain with example.
The result of work done by the computer is output.
For Example.
ü Result of two number addition is 14
ü The result is Juice in glass
Write two examples of input, Process and Output?
v Adding two number
v Making Orange Juice

Enter two number 7,7
Add two number 7+7
Result =14
Print orange in Juicer
Make the Juice
Juice in Glass

Nadeem ashraf janjua