Q1:What is computer accessory?
Ans:A computer accessory is a piece of hardware that can be
installed with a computer to make it more useful.
Q2:Name different kinds of keyboard?
Ans:Alphabet keys
Numeric keys
Function keys
Arrow keys
Special keys
Q3:What is joystick?
Ans:A joystick is an input device which consist of vertical
handle which which can move in two directions. It is used to play games.
Q4:What is webcam?
Ans:Webcam is also is known is webcamera.It is used to
transfer image to the computer.
Q5:What is compact disc(CD)?
Ans:Compact disc or CD is an optical disc which is used to
store data.Capacity of CD is measured in megabytes( MB)
Q6:What is digital video disc(DVD)?
Ans:Digital video disc is also called DVD.They can store
data.Storage capacity od DVD’s is measured in Gigabytes(GB).
Q7:What is USB flash drive or pen drive?
Ans:USB stands for universal serial bus.It is portable
storage device .USB flash drive is also called pen drive.
Q8:What are monochrome monitors?
Ans:Monochrome monitors display result in one
colouronly.They are called black and white monitors
Q9:What are colour monitors?
Ans:Thecolour monitors display results in many colours.
Q10:What are LCD monitors?
Ans:LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) monitor is modern form of
colourmonitor.LCD is thinner and occupies lesser space.
Q11:What is speaker?