247. Case No.F.4-259/2018-R (11/2018). SIXTY TWO INSPECTORS (INVESTIGATION) (BS-16), TEMPORARY, LIKELY TO BE PERMANENT, FEDERAL INVESTIGATION AGENCY, MINISTRY OF INTERIOR. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Bachelor’s degree from a University recognized by the HEC. MINIMUM PHYSICAL STANDARD: For Male candidates: Height 5′-6", Chest 32"-33 ½" For Female Candidates: Height 5′-2"(Documentary proof from authorized Medical authorities required). AGE LIMIT: 20-28 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Merit= Four, Punjab=Thirty One (Open merit=Twenty seven, Women quota= Three and Minorities/NonMuslims quota=One), Sindh(Rural)=Seven (Open merit=Six and Women quota=One), Sindh(Urban)=Five, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa=Seven (Open merit=Five, Women quota= One and Minorities/ Non-Muslims quota= One), Balochistan = Four (Open merit=Three and Women quota=One), GBFATA=Three (Open merit=Two and Women quota=One) and AJK=One (Both male and female candidates are eligible)

248. Case No.F.4-260/2018-R (11/2018). SEVENTEEN ASSISTANT DIRECTORS (LEGAL) (BS-17) TEMPORARY LIKELY TO BE PERMANENT, FEDERAL INVESTIGATION AGENCY, MINISTRY OF INTERIOR. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Second Class or Grade ‘C’ LLB degree from a University recognized by HEC. EXPERIENCE: Two (2) years post qualification experience of legal practice/ prosecution working in legal field. AGE LIMIT: 22-30 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Merit= One, Punjab= Nine (Open merit=Seven, Women quota=One and Minorities/ Non-Muslims quota=One), Sindh(Rural)=Two, Sindh(Urban)=One, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa=Two, Balochistan=One and AJK=One. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).

249. Case No.F.4-261/2018-R (11/2018). ELEVEN ASSISTANT DIRECTORS (INVESTIGATION) (BS-17) TEMPORARY LIKELY TO BE PERMANENT, FEDERAL INVESTIGATION AGENCY, MINISTRY OF INTERIOR. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: Second Class or Grade ‘C’ Master’s degree from a University recognized by the HEC. AGE LIMIT: 22-28 years plus five (5) years general relaxation in upper age limit. DOMICILE: Merit= One, Punjab= Five, Sindh(Rural)=One, Sindh(Urban)=One, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa=Two (Open merit=One and Women quota=One) and AJK=One. (Both male and female candidates are eligible).

6. Documents required from the candidates: (i) After the test/ exam, on the basis of results, the candidates who are on higher merit positions in respective quota would be asked to furnish the attested copies of requisite documents viz: two photographs, Matric, Intermediate certificates, Bachelor’s, Master’s, M.Phil, Ph.D Degrees, CNIC, Experience Certificate( where required) showing nature of job/ detailed job description issued by an authorized officer of the Ministry/Division/Department concerned, Domicile Certificate, Departmental Permission Certificate (in case of government servant) as well as Original TR (in non-test cases) etc. within 15 days of the Notice from FPSC by post, SMS and E-mail. (ii) Wherever an equivalence of the required degree is to be claimed by a candidate, an equivalence certificate issued by HEC may be furnished to FPSC to authenticate the claim. (iii) Experience from Firms/ Companies/ Institutions/ Organizations/ Banks/ NGOs etc., will be accepted if these are well known nationally or internationally, have appropriately been registered/ incorporated with concerned government department/ institution for doing business, maintain office (s) and have proper registration number/ Reference number, where applicable. (iv) The candidates who fail to furnish the requisite documents within stipulated time or furnish incorrect/incomplete information, their candidature shall be liable to rejection. Therefore, they are advised to keep their documents ready for submission to FPSC by the due date. (v) From requisition of documents it should not be presumed that the candidate has been shortlisted for interview as his/her eligibility is to be determined in view of documents and merit position.
7. Eligibility of the candidates in all respects shall be reckoned upto the closing date.
8. Admission Certificate: Admission Certificate for Screening (MCQ’s Test) for BS-16 & 17 posts and Written (Descriptive Test) for BS-18 & above posts, will be placed on the website of FPSC i.e. on 21st December, 2018. Candidates are advised to frequently visit this website for the updates. They will be intimated through SMS as well. However, no information in this regard shall be sent through post.
 9. Conduct of Test: (i) It will be mandatory for the candidates to bring original CNIC, Treasury Receipt and downloaded copy of Admission Certificate at the time of Screening/ Written Test. (ii) Without original Treasury Receipt candidates would not be allowed entry in the Examination Hall. Photocopy of T.R/ Bank Scroll would not be accepted. Candidates are advised to preserve the original T.R so as to avoid any inconvenience at the time of entry in the Examination Halls. (iii) The Screening (MCQ)/Written (Descriptive) Test for Consolidated Advt. No. 11/2018 will tentatively be held from 6th January, 2019 onwards. Such tests can however be conducted earlier also in case of limited number of candidates. (iv) For the post of Assistant Private Secretary (BS-16) and Deputy Director (Urdu Stenography) (BS-18), Candidates will be called for Test at Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar and Quetta centers only, if sufficient number of candidates at each center are available. Only those who qualify the Typing Test will be allowed to appear in Shorthand & Computer literacy tests.
10. Change of Centre: No request for change of centre shall be entertained.
11. Closing Date for submission of applications is Monday,
19th November, 2018.